Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Guy with the Portal

As the boy stood by the hall, a sudden emptiness crawled inside him filling his whole being with loss and sadness. Everything he knew, his whole world, had just walked out of the door which thundered a shut   shattering his chandelier of a fragile heart which went scattering across the cold marble floor.

Tears refused to flow; try as he may to squeeze it out and let the emptiness rush out of him with cries and screams. This time the door had been closed so hard that emotions inside him refused to show. 

Yet, he could feel it all inside him, pushing every fiber of his being wanting to come out but never finding an outlet. And he grew cold upon the realization that no amount of tears could ever drain out the sadness or fill his emptiness ever again. A part of him just died or left him along with the others who had left him behind. 

The day grew colder and as he stood transfixed in the middle of the hallway, the air grew stale. 

At the other end of the hall, a figure appeared and ran towards him calling his name. She seemed to know him but his thoughts were empty and so was his memory. She hugged the boy and took him into a warm room where the fire was burning. 

There were toys and playthings kept to fulfil a boy's fantasy parades but everything had lost it's charm. At that moment, a boy was forced to grow beyond his age. So sat a sombre body by the fireplace with a frozen heart never to be warmed again.

-Neivikhotso Xander

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