Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Death at home

Over-curiosity killed the family hen on Wednesday. It allegedly jumped to its own death. There would be no free country eggs anymore. Those lovely small brown ones which are more nutritious would not make it to breakfast table anymore.

The writer’s mother's chick dreaams disappeared in thin air. She wanted to see a set of small chicks come out. However, the family cock did not seem to cooperate very easily. The cock who sold his Ferrari is rumoured to have been living a previously undisclosed chaste life.

Semi-mourning prevailed at home for a few hours. More complaining was expected to happen when mother was to speak to her sisters later that night. However, temporary depression took over communication and speech completely. 

Ms. Mary Thomas who was not present at the crime scene claimed that this was clearly a murder. In case of a FIR, both the innocent writer and his grandmother (who also is innocent) stand to be named and interrogated. When made aware of this, Ms. Thomas cried foul and said, "Men commit the murder and implicate women ....patriarchy everywhere!" A known feminist, Ms. Thomas has always been known to uphold women rights across the country beginning from her own home. 

However, sources confirm that the writer's grandmother was unofficially in-charge of safety measures and security-breach as far as the poultry was concerned. Her consent to the job is still unknown. When contacted, she refused to answer. She was upset and disturbed by the sudden death. 

Ms. Tanya George reached the interrogation scene on Facebook and demanded more details. She is known to press people for information. She, however, is not part of any security forces. She is a designer who claims to be 'working' in Goa.

The tired writer explained, "It broke out of the window grill. Made a small hole big enough to squeeze out. The exacts cause of DEATH is still uncertain. There is a puncture in her right side. There was however no blood. Two dogs were seen fighting a few metres away from where the body was found."

When the story did not seem to convince enough, he added "And of course, they can jump to their own death. Haven't you heard enough of 'the Chicken cross the road' stories? They are known for their dumbness apart from laying non-fertilised eggs." His desperation was clearly visible in his tone.

Dr. Neel suggested that a post-mortem be done to exact the cause of death. An unknown Brahmin Doctor that he is, he added "the cause of death needs to be identified else her soul wont rest in peace." However, the request was denied because the writer's mother had already found peace. 

The writer's mother was seen munching a pack of Kurkure, an Indian snack prepared to distract people and induce stupidity. 

The writer's story did not seem to convince many on Facebook. There was certain unexplained inconsistencies in the stories. Ms. Tanya George pointed out that  grills have opening in them anyway. Ms. Thomas also made other allegations which were ignored by the writer.

Last seen, the writer's mother was still accepting condolences but has vowed that she wont try breeding poultry anymore. She is expecting a marriage to happen soon in the family. Alas! She is more hopeful than the parties involved. 


  1. Wowww the investigation report is approved even though the some of my'allegations' have not been addressed by the writer...must say the writer has done a great job !!!! this is ur call joel!!!

  2. Great read! Dunno what is true and what isn't, but that didn't matter.. Still a fun read :)

    1. It is true! It-happened-to-me kind! Of course, the choice of language and words used are creative liberty that I took :)
